neljapäev, juuni 09, 2005

intelligentse ametniku abc

millisel riigil on ühine maismaapiir somaalia ja keeniaga?
kes on põlva maavanem
millistel järgnevatest riikidest pole peaministrit jne
mida krt, alguses üllatas ja mida enam edasi lugesin, seda rohkem ajas naerma - välisministeerium on küll endast põhjendamatult heal arvamusel. tahaks näha kui suur hulk välisministeeriumi praegustest ametnikest selle testi vähemalt 51%-le on võimelised sooritama.

aga vähemalt sain täna rikkaks:)
you have been approved for a payment of ?900,000.00(Nine Hundred
Thousand Euro)in cash credited to file reference number IPL/084433765/WPI.
this is from a total cash prize of ?95,000,000.00(NINETY FIVE MILLON EURO)
shared among the international winners in all categories .CONGRATULATIONS!
Your fund is now deposited with our finaincial security Company SECURITY
FINANCE BELGIUM and insured With the paying out Bank in your name. to avoid
mix up of numbers and names of any kind, we request that you keep the entire
details of your award strictly from public notice until the
process of transferring your claims has been completed, and your funds remitted
to your account.
This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or
unscrupulous acts by participants/nonparticipants of this program.

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