laupäev, jaanuar 22, 2005

Sellised me oleme

Kui te oleksite sakslane, kes pool aastat Eestis elanud (Erasmus), siis te kirjutaksite oma intercultural communicationsi lõputööks vot just sellise juhtumi analüüsi (ja saadaksite tõenäoliselt selle mulle öösel vastu laupäeva inboxi):

Living together with Estonians

Last year I lived with two estonian girls and some other international students in an appartement. The conversation between the estonians and the others, was a little difficult since I had the feeling, that the two girls didn't really wanted to get in touch with us. One night, after already having lived together for more than 4 months, I was watching TV as usual (it was about 1 or 2 o'clock in the morning). Suddendly one of the estonian girls, Liz, knocked on my door and came in my room. She said something like this:
„In Estonia, we sleep at night. But I'm hearing every night this TV-show of yours and therefore I cannot sleep.“

I was surprised and felt sorry for her, but I had no idea that she could hear the TV through the wall. I told her, that I was really sorry but she should have told me before, because I didn't know. She didn't say anything and left the room. I felt really bad, since she said, that this has been bothering her for so long already.


1. Can you tell me what has happened between the estonian girl and me?

2. Why did she not say anything before, if it was bothering her already for some weeks or months?

No tõesti, pole õrna aimugi. Ilmselt saaks juhtumit edukalt kasutada kodakondsuseksamil kultuuriteadmiste kontrolliks (õige vastus: "Ei tea").

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